Find Your Voice

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 Things to Think About (no.5): Review

In the last 4 posts I wrote about 5 things to think about and this is the last in the mini-series.  So for number 5 I thought it is about time to look back at the year and review things. Look back over the mountains and valleys I have traversed. This is in line with the previous 4 posts and continues the challenge of living the values that I have identified.

As I mentioned previously I am now much more aware that freedom, simplicity and creativity is of high value to me.  This is due to a constant review process and also specifically looking back over the last year and asking myself three questions: What worked?  What didn't work?  What needs to change?

What didn't work for me in the last year was that my activities aren't aligned with my values.  This created massive amounts of tension internally and was visible as impatience and anger on the outside - that has got to go!  ...But how?  Sometimes I feel like the victim because how can I keep on changing without passing out on the floor or getting a brain transplant?  I sometimes feel like I constantly have to change, then pause and realise it is not about changing but revealing an artwork from the raw stone - hard work.  It is about peeling away layers, carving away all the unnecessary and revealing what has been there all along.  This can only happen if I stand back and look at what I have already done - I have to review my progress.

I have to be very clear, I don't believe in new-year's resolutions.  I do however believe in recognising the journey that I am on, the messages that come my way and responding by working on myself as an artwork captured in stone.

So what did work in the last year?  Identifying what some of my core practical values are.  Even though the last year I could say didn't work in general (see the previous post about dark places) it has paradoxically also worked.  It seems that the only way to move forward is to go through a broken time that fixes me.  It is perhaps that part of the sculpture that is truly exquisite and that takes more time - at the time it seems impossible to complete and constantly on the edge of failure but when you step back and review it is clear that the difficulty was the key to revealing what is precious.

So what needs to change?  In the next year I need to live in alignment with the values (freedom, simplicity, and creativity) that I have identified.  How?  I know that I do not like specific targets or goals.  Whenever I have tried to put specific goals in place it has made me anxious and irritated (goals could however work for you).  What I know really works we for me is keeping a higher purpose and meaning for my life in mind and then building habits in support of the meaning and purpose.  The critical element is discipline guided by value (in my case freedom, simplicity, and creativity).  I am also aware that I need to do things because it is about experiencing and spreading joy, passion and fulfilment.  Join me in the next year right here as I share this journey with you as it relates to all parts of life.
Perhaps you have better ways of being the sculptor and would like to share it - go right ahead.  What I try and do here is foster energy and hopefully inspire action.  If you would like to add and multiply this effort I truly welcome it!

5 Things to Think About (no. 4): Define Your future

In the previous post I wrote about revolution that is dead.  I also linked it to how business are afraid to truly innovate and initiate deep change.  What I find even worse is how we as employees allow the definition of business by business to define our futures.  This links to waiting for a job to give definition to your life and also spending too much time at work (see the previous two posts).

I always try to write from my own perspective as this makes me sound cooler and gives me credibility.  In this regard I realise how my environment and other people's agendas influence my own.  Especially in the last few months I have seen how other people's perspective of me have influenced my own self-worth.  Just because I don't exactly fit in their idea of success I see myself as inferior.  What a load of nonsense (soft word so your kids can read this as well)!

In reality their perspective and lack of fit have just me realise that I have something truly unique to offer and that I am on a journey of discovery to add passion and joy in every instance.  In the darker parts of the journey I have the privilege to discover how I react - I see my fears for what they are and also the potential that is within me.  This cannot be revealed any other way.  The darkness gives me the opportunity to define myself and therefore define my future.

Quite recently, and perhaps still, I am going through a dark place.  As I was driving in the car the other day I intuitively and instantly became aware of certain values that I in fact hold dear.  I have always held them dear but throughout the challenge of a dark period and the desire to be fully alive that kept me going through this period I have become aware of these values that is at my core.  The process of awareness was not so gradual although the inner process has lasted months.  The result, as mentioned above, was an epiphany!  In that moment it was as if the impurity that blinded me was removed and after many months of feeling lost and confused clarity washed over me.  It became so clear that I truly place high value on freedom, simplicity, and creativity.  

This knowledge immediately eliminated certain options for moving forward and highlighted others that are important.  In this regard it has taken months and moment to more clearly define my future.  As I sit here now and write this I am once again inspired to spread the message of going from survive to alive.  Perhaps you are caught in a place that you feel lost, confused, or even captured by darkness.  My simple message to you is that your life matters.  It matters now!  Your trials do have meaning and that if you hang in there with a hunger in your heart continuously hungering to get to know yourself better and through this journey make this world a better place you will!

I encourage you to define what is valuable to you and continue on your journey of discovering meaning and helping others define meaning.  We need to take an active role and define our future.  If you are passive someone else will project their values on you and define your future.

Monday, December 12, 2011

5 Things to think about (no. 3): Revolution is Dead

From my experience in the corporate market I can see that revolution is dead (we're stuck behind the barbed wire).  It is the time of moderation, small steps, and low risk.  Everyone is afraid to really make inroads into the historical territory of old capitalism.  The elites are fortified in their towers and have no incentive to change a thing.  And why should they?  If their current position of power serves them this well they have no reasons to be hasty with change.

So we have a number of large layers in the financial industry, energy, and resources that don't question their entrenched positions.  As history shows, those who do not question their entrenched positions normally fall the hardest.  I am referring to the way that business simply keeps the scientific approach to business management as the dominant management system.  It's all black belts, MBA's, business schools, and no real direction as to what we are actually doing in business - what's it all for?!

Mediocre increments is the order of the day and innovation has become another colour for corporate logos. Innovation (something new or different) has lost its real impact.  We can rather speak of nuances (a subtle difference).  Perhaps it is not time for real revolution, perhaps certain things need to be maintained as it is because there is so much change.

Personally I am disappointed to hear about execs that are once again getting ridiculous remuneration after they paid off their loans to the government.  Personally I would have loved to see things change dramatically but I am aware that it boils down to human nature and material focus will remain.  It comes down to money, sex, and power in their different forms.  Trying to change that is like trying to change the direction of Earth's orbit.

So why write?  Why spend my free time at something useless?  Simple: The biggest thing that I have changed is me.  I am  done with the big ideals, but I rather focus on the immediate.  Be fully alive now and focus on infusing my relationships with the right focus - people!  It is the higher ethic of freedom.  We keep people captured because of fear inspired control (or power) and keep our planet in chains because of greed - we just can't stop taking.  We have put a vicious system in place that feeds of credit and natural resources.

Hey!  This is it!  I am starting the revolution.  Every post is an effort to keep the fire alive, to spread the word that we can dream of revolutionised world where business truly serves the people they do business with and improves the environment where it does business.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5 Things to Think About (no. 2)

Are you spending too much time on the job?
So, I hope that you have now read the previous post about 5 Things to Think About and that you have now already transformed your thinking about your job.  Yip, all in a few days.  No, seriously, that would be impossible but I need to continue the journey with you.  I know that each of these points actually need a book to be written and indeed there many books on the subject(s).  That is why I am not writing a book for each of these and why my posts remain on the Internet so that you can come back and reflect.

For now I would like to move on and start a conversation around how much time you spend at work.  Sure you don't have control over it because your boss...  Hang on!  Have you ever questioned the assumption that you have to be at work for a specific amount of time?  How about challenging the current practices and actually asking if you have to be around for the whole day?  This is perhaps the most radical but on the other hand you could also question the tasks, meetings and mundane/repetitive work that you do.

I meet too many people that just take it for granted - 'that's the way it is done...'  Really?  Come on!  Wake up and ask some questions:  "Could this be done in half the time and double the fun?", "how necessary is this really?", "could this be done later?", "does the client really need this now?", "could this be automated?" etc.
I guess at this point we need to talk about fear.  I know that we all have fear that come in the form of  "yes, but..." objections to the suggestions I have just made above.  The reality is that if you don't even have the courage to step up where you are right now, how can you even start dreaming of achieving your bigger dreams of freedom?  Remember this blog is about going from survive to alive and sometimes it is the smaller opportunities that we overlook consistently that can actually be turned into our steps to inner-freedom first.  The kind of freedom we get from facing our fears and that translates into external victory.

In the past 15 years or so of doing casual, full-time, part-time, corporate, small business and self-employed work the biggest lesson that I have learned is that I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission.  Here's the reality:  If you ask for permission you put your cards on the table and lose all your leverage.  If you simply execute and make it a success without asking the 'powers that be'  you will have much less resistance.  If they are still resistant to change it is always best to ask "can we at least try it for a trial period?" or "don't you think it is reasonable?"  If you get ultimate resistance you should perhaps start asking more courageous questions like "is it time to move on and continue challenging yourself and growing in a different place?"

Monday, November 28, 2011

5 Things to Think About

No. 1
Are you waiting for a job (perhaps not your current one) to bring you happiness?

No, seriously!  I know people have perhaps spoken about this for quite a while and it is perhaps a cliche but have you ever paused and asked yourself "Am I waiting for my job, or the people at my job, to make me happy?"  Now happiness is not the ultimate measure as we have confirmed before but it sure is a good indicator if things are on track or not.  You could perhaps say that fulfilment is the goal and happiness is the measure.
For quite a while I saw my job as my main source of fulfilment and happiness.  Although your job is important because you probably spend so much time at it (not that you have to - No. 2 - next post) it cannot be the main reason for getting up out of bed.  Now more than ever I realise how work is part of a greater purpose and that is worth putting on my slippers and getting out of bed.  From some solid failures and other great experiences I have come to realise that there is so much more.  Work is important, yes, but it should weave in with the rest of your life, compliment the other parts, and create synergy.

The challenge is that most of us have resigned to the circumstances and are waiting for that magical moment when someone will recognise your skills.  It won't happen.  As so many before me I have realised that I will perhaps change the world but my odds are significantly higher for changing my world; the one I live in; the people I meet.
It's all in the mix man!  I'm telling you!  If you read my post on the principle of ensue or on paradox it might ring a bell.  You have to let go to get to get a grip; stand still to move forward; appreciate the small to get the big.

For too long I focused on this "big mission" whilst life was passing me by.  I thought that things will happen when they happen and divorced my effort from the result.  I now realise that those smaller dreams I have for me and my family are very important and that by changing my way of doing I might just be changing my world anyway.

So now the challenge is how can I change my approach and perhaps spend less time working but gain greater income.  I want to work on my terms and add value.  I want to be powerful beyond measure and let my presence in this world be a blessing.  I do not want to build my own tower and compete with others striving to do the same.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Being Dog

Even if you are not a dog person I am sure you are aware of how dogs go about things.  What I mean is that when you observe them they do not think about fully being dog; they just are.  Especially when you observe a dog that is off its leash and running around in a free space (please note, off its leash and free space) there is something inspiring about it.

I especially love watching Golden Retrievers and Labradors.  They run up and down, sniff, wag their tales, bark and in general just be dog.  Nothing beats it.  Not thinking how will my behaviour look or is this the right thing, just be.  They take what they have and what they are and fully express themselves according to this.

Now I think this is something we are missing.  I think we can learn a few things from our furry friends.  Now I do not think it is a smart idea to get on all fours, bark and mark your territory but when was the last time you asked yourself if you are fully being dog.
I find myself in a situation currently where I am not fully dog.  I have put on a leash and trapped myself in the yard.  I know however that being dog is my choice.  The first step I am taking is asking what kind of dog am I.  Once I answer this I decide to be true on being dog and not focus much on the outcome as such (because being dog means I don't worry).  I therefore identify my unique makeup and gifts and ask myself how can I use these today?  Simply use and develop them more than I did yesterday - one percent better every day.  Not looking to a goal and measuring against anyone else except how I am growing.

If I get to a place where my leash and yard is stopping me I ask how can I change this or, for the time being, be dog right where I am.

So, are you being dog?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Real Leadership is Dead Leadership

In my previous post I wrote about a Results Only Work Environment but as far as I can remember I have never spoken about the work that Ricardo Semler has done with his company (Semco) in Brazil (read about it in his book titled Maverick).  In many ways he has been working on a result only work environment where the standard of living of everyone involved in the company (especially the employees) are put ahead of profits.

What Ricardo Semler basically did, in my opinion, was kill leadership.  He looked at the organisation and realised that you need to trust the destiny of the company to its employees.  It is not dependent on one person - the great, smart, all-knowing leader, to come up with the answers.  Everybody needs to take initiative and responsibility and thrive.  At the heart of it however it is a paradox because in order to allow the rules of self-organisation and self-management to surface and let the collective thrive it is up to the individual.  In other words to let the whole govern the focus is on the individual.

It takes a formidable and very rare leader to do this.  It is someone that is content with him-/herself and does not take a position of power for power sake but in order to empower others.  If you want to change the organisation, change the leader.  In my opinion true leadership is about heart first, then head.  The one cannot go without the other but a leader needs to lead with heart.  A heart that does not need to be seen as a leader in order to lead; a leader that is willing to be dead and let a legacy live while he still breathes.
In my research, coaching and consulting work I do I unfortunately have to report that leaders like these are rare.  Perhaps the focus truly has to be a two-pronged approach where we reach out to current leaders in business and organisations as well as the next generation.

The key to management is to get rid of the managers.
The key to getting work done on time is to stop wearing a watch.
The best way to invest corporate profits is to give them to the employees.
The purpose of work is not to make money. The purpose of work is to make the workers, whether working stiffs or top executives, feel good about life.
Ricardo Semler

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Busy Dead Man

There is nothing the busy man is less busied with than living; there is nothing harder to learn.  As I move through society I see that success is many times is a dual sword.  As many business people try to control and create prosperity they are unaware that they are actually kicking up dust to fake effectiveness.

The sad thing is that none of the followers in the organisations ever question this.  You see, though shalt not question the busyness for it creates meaning.  And the only guy that is creating meaning is the guy in charge.  Unfortunately in many companies the result is that there are many blind followers whose creativity is slowly killed off and their energy is depleted.  They are creating meaning because I do not want to question the guy that is creating work - fear!  In many instances therefore the end justifies the means.

It does not start out this way.  Many times I have been involved in businesses where people come in and truly want to apply all their creative energy and make a difference in their sphere of influence.  What happens next is truly sad.  The "boss" then starts giving orders to get them 'busy'.  The employee gets faced with questions like "are you busy enough?", "are you stretching yourself?"  Now I know that it is important to be stretched and get out of your comfort zone but the sad thing is that people really are seen as resources and therefore under the control of the "boss".

To calm down and start having conversations about what really matters from an inclusive approach means that life takes centre stage.  This is not easy.  I have personally been told that "if we don't run faster than our competitors and keep doing new things they will catch us".  Perhaps but if you are so busy with the unimportant and you ignore the valuable input and desires of the PEOPLE you work with you will fail even if you are running fast because you might be running fast towards a cliff.  Reality: If you are running away from something and simply keeping busy in order not to be caught you are sacrificing life which consists of joy, satisfaction and fulfilment (just look at two little guys in the picture).  You really want all that empty success where you miss the golden moments of relationship as you do business more meaningfully?  Get real with yourself!

If you are the boss and you are reading this please reflect on how you are treating the human beings in your organisation.  Are they doing enough and are they (and you) busy with the right stuff.  If you are an employee I challenge you to have the courageous conversation and confront the issue of busyness.  Even if it goes badly you will have stepped out - you owe it to yourself.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Work Sucks

Man!  I've just read one of the most profound books of my life.  It takes together so many things that I have been thinking of in terms of organisational development and leadership.
Are you tired of working in a company where they dictate how you can live?  What I mean is that for the vast majority of companies out there it is not unusual to pay you based on the time you have spent on the job but what they are actually looking for are results.  So on the weekends and on holidays you have full say on when you do what, but when you are 'at work' the company has taken over your decision-making for you.

So here is a crazy idea: how about organising work so that everyone can do whatever they want, whenever they want to as long as the work gets done.  FREEDOM.  Yes, you owe the company results for the salary they are paying you but you do not owe them your time.  Think about it, if you are a smart person and can work faster than others you get rewarded with more work.  How about only measuring if you've done your work based on results and you decide how and when that work gets done?
Never miss your child's birthday ever again, take your wife out for the whole day when it is your anniversary, take two extra weeks on vacation and never ask anyone to do it, study for your degree and never ask for a day's leave, and all the time you never skip a beat at work because we are living in the 21st century where cell phones, Internet, laptops, etc. have enabled us to do work in a way that makes us FREE.  But do we?  No!  We are still caught in the 1950's where we believe people can't be trusted and that there are only a few performers.

The reality is that people can be trusted as long as the desired results are clarified from the start and follow-through is ensured through continuous communication.  It is called ROWE: Results Only Work Environment and you can read about it in a book called Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It.
Just a note if you enjoy hiding behind long work hours as a way to hide your laziness or incompetence you should reconsider this approach.  ROWE will quickly identify people that cannot deliver or that cannot work in such an environment.
You can read more about the movement here:

Monday, June 06, 2011

Letter to the CEO

Dear Mr CEO

I have been thinking a lot about the company that you are the leader of.  I have been wondering if you know what a leader should do.  Do you know how important your role is in our modern 21st century economy?

I would like to share my experience and belief with you in this letter:
Your main priority as CEO of your company is not to make money.  If this was true you would be able to run your company with only robots.  But as Henry Ford lamented, you have to work with a whole person and not just a pair of hands.  So I suggest you reconsider your main purpose based on the fact that you have been blessed with an opportunity to work with whole human beings (colleagues that think, love, dream and have a desire to grow) in order to serve the needs of a society made up of whole human beings.

Your business is your opportunity to better society and it starts with your colleagues (please note that I do not use the word employee, human resources or human capital - people cannot be reduced to a part of a machine that are rated on their performance.  We are not things.).  We work together and serve a greater purpose; we do not serve to maximise the profit of the business.  Yes, you either started the business as an entrepreneur or you are managing the business for the shareholders but if this is what governs your heart, people will have a difficult time to connect with you.  For it is firstly about heart - heart for your colleagues and heart for society.  I am sorry to say that if you do not lead from a heart for people you are serving yourself and your desires after money, recognition or power.

Being colleagues means that we are partners in office and we work with each other.  The minute you forget this and try and make all the decisions by yourself you have started the journey towards the loss of yourself.  For you see I have worked with many CEO's and many of them have told themselves that through their actions they are really contributing to society - they have justified the neglect of themselves and their fellow man.  You might be aware of this justification: 'It's not personal, it's business'.  It is all personal.  It is persons you are working with and your big goal is not more important than the people you work with.

Know that your actions have an impact on the formation of society's hopes, dreams and desires.  Will you help shape it according to your hopes, dreams and desires?  Do you desire to see our people and planet prosper or do you desire to see only profit maximised?


Jan-Derick Nel

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

More to Life Than Increasing its Speed

A while back I read an interesting quote by Gandhi that more or less went like this:  "There is more to life than increasing its speed".  It hit me hard!  There are many things in there that stimulate thought and discussion.  Perhaps my previous post went to the extreme but it connects to the the challenge of defining life.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to define life in general (at least not in this post).  What I am referring to is formulating a sufficient definition for yourself.  Too many times we simply want to make things go faster because everyone else around us is doing it and ultimately your life is defined by how fast you can make it go.

I find that I am hurried inside even when I am not very busy.  So for me the reality of slowing things down inside is the current dominant challenge.  Do you find that you are constantly hurried inside?  I have spoken to a number of people, read various books and have come to realise that people that are normally seen to be ambitious are many times the ones that are hurried inside.  From where I'm sitting this hurriedness is related to ambition.  Nothing wrong with ambition you might say...

This is something that I am exploring because if ambition makes me hurried inside and therefore helps me define my life by how fast I can make it go, I don't want much to do with it.  Can I replace ambition with something else?

I ask myself whether I am being a contribution; and if I am making it better, is it better for all?

Friday, May 06, 2011

Rupert and the Killer Club

Throughout my career I have experienced various situations in organisations and business where there is a 'boss' that thinks he is right.  Now from here I want to take a really big leap to how a boss that thinks he is right is causing capitalist slavery.  You see, if all the guys that think they are right and are really successful (don't you just love that word) come together and form a club I would call that the Killer Club.

So obviously I am relishing in gross exaggeration here but give me a second to explain:  We live in a world where economies are highly interrelated and for them to succeed they need to offer products to consumers and use resources to get it done.  One of these 'resources' is human beings, yes, we have successfully reduced the human being to an input factor of production.  Never mind what we are producing or why the business exists; that is irrelevant.  As long as the cogs in the machine are turning and profit is continuously maximised.  Mission, vision and values adorn the walls of glitzy corporate headquarters and even smaller business nowadays.

Now, at the helm of these capitalist ships are men who are many times revered for their vision, determination and guts to stand up and do something different.  Most of all they are seen as heroes because they are creating work and building businesses that contribute to the economy.  Now there is a sneaky paradox that comes and nestles itself in the midst of our collective conscience.  I will call this paradox Rupert.  Now Rupert is a very likeable character because on the one hand he represents the progress of the economy and we like more jails. Uh, I mean jobs.  You see what I mean - sneaky.  It seems like you need the Killer Club that goes about doing business in a egotistical fashion stomping on people - in order to move forward you need to hurt people.  Some even believe it is good for people because 'it stretches them'.  Phrases like "you won't get anywhere if you are not willing to make sacrifices" are used as shileds of denial.  They love you if you can sacrifice as much family time as they do and if you should ask them why they are doing it they mask their personal ambition with visions of 'great' leadership.  On the one hand it seems good that we are creating more jobs for more people that want to own SUV's and three flat screens to watch 225 000 television channels on but herein lies the seeming contradiction that expresses a truth:  In order to grow the economy and increase the levels of 'happiness' in society we need to reduce our happiness at work.

After all it's just business, don't take it personal.  So let's finish of the gross exaggeration that we started earlier.  The Killer Club gets together and decides to use their favourite pet Rupert in order to seduce many people in society into giving up their freedom in order to produce things that society does not really need in order to make us 'happy'.  They destroy the environment in the process and create wealthy elites that reinforce their interests through investments and continue the vicious cycle.  If you realise what the game is and play hard enough you could perhaps create your own jail where people come to.  I mean what is better than being in jail?  It's being the jailer.  You step out and create something for other people you did not want for yourself - you escape in order to enslave others.

Seen from this perspective you would think that I am a tree-hugging, rabbit-loving activist but in fact I am a capitalist at heart.  I do however believe that, like Ken Chenault said, we need to review capitalism and think about the role of business in society.  I strongly believe that we can do business differently and that it is not profit that is so important it is the ability to make profit.  Here I am referring to businesses that are transforming the face of capitalism, such as the Grameen group and Semco, that has people at their core reason for being.  Are you considering how your belief that you are right is impacting others around you?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goal Update: Don't Talk About Your Goals and the Princple of Ensue

Quite a while back I wrote about setting goals and how people are afraid to do so because they might not be able to achieve their goals.  So they imagine setting a goal and then doing everything they possibly can and then not achieving it.  What will people think?  Perhaps you should not be sharing your goals to start with.  Watch this if you want to get the inside scoop. 

You might also recall that I spoke about the principle of ensue not that long ago.  From this perspective you should stop chasing things like happiness because in the pursuit of happiness you actually never attain it.  You might therefore ask what is more important than happiness?  According to Victor Frankl the determination of meaning for yourself is much more important.  Not the meaning of life in general but the meaning of your life.  A very subjective approach.

What I take from this is that having an idea or vision of where you want to go is much more than setting out specifics of how this should happen - just move!  Some people need goal setting to help them along and track their progress.  Others, like myself, are more intuitive and work to serve a greater purpose.  Another approach that some follow is to engage in what they are good at with their whole being and as time goes by they realise they are engaged in very meaningful work.

There are many options that suit many different people.  The danger is that if one person finds a way that has worked for them and such a person is a leader he/she can enforce that solution on everyone.  What I however find is that a lot of people are in fact reluctant followers.  Let's back off and let everyone set their own pace and become truly great (whatever that might mean)!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


In the previous post I expressed my indignation at how we are going about our selfish ways and I ended with the intent of how to get out of that trap.  Well I went back to some of the roots I have and looked back to a powerful Aristotelian concept: phronesis.  Any of you heard of it?

In society today we are herded by many rules.  Rules that supposedly keep us safe and safeguard our freedom.  We find however that rules can in fact be much more enslaving than liberating.  We have so many rules that we stop thinking for ourselves.  The reality is there is no set of rules that can get us what we want.  We have to have rules because we have lost phronesis.  In the simplest terms phronesis is practical wisdom.  It is strongly related to prudence, i.e. being wise and prudent in practical affairs.  Instead we are caught in a consumer world totally consumed by consumerism (check this out: The Story of Stuff).

From my point of view we have simply lost the desire to be virtuous.  People are not interested at identifying core values that guide their actions in order to do good (I know the word good is contentious but hang in there).  It is a focus on here and now and relating it to the bigger picture in regards to society and our responsibilities.

In a different way it has been expressed as having gravitas (read this: Gravitas).  It all comes down to the same thing.  We don't become quiet, reflect and take the long way around because we will learn more and become better human beings.  We are rushing forward but it is as Gandhi said: There is more to life than increasing its speed.  We must use phronesis to focus on the journey and the relationships we build.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spiritual Intelligence

I have been on facilitator training the last two days.  One of the take-aways from the session is that a key part of being a true friend is indignation.  What do I mean?  Simple:  Sometimes  in order to be real with the people you care for you need to be indignant toward someones actions or a situation.  Through this you can help people realise that what they are doing is harmful to themselves and/or others.

So this morning I woke up feeling very indignant about the way that we are going about business and life.  I look around and feel disgusted and the greed and selfishness that pervades society.  What is worse is that so many of us simply shrug our shoulders and say well, what can we do?  That is the way things are.

Well I am here today to use this public space to raise my voice and firstly remind myself and secondly remind you to ask the question:  What is all of this about?!  Why the rush, the fear, control and waste?  We have lost touch with spiritual intelligence.  We have lost touch with our neighbours and in the mad dash to the finish line everyone has become our competition.  I feel tired of this world.  I feel tired of running trying to 'meet the deadline'.  I know we have to work and I agree that work can be something beautiful; something creative.  We have however enslaved ourselves to greed and work is the slave master.  Why do you work?

In the next post I will look at ways to get out of this mindset and I ask you to help me.  So look at what you have just read, reflect and watch this space so you can share from your wisdom.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Moral Compass

My previous post ended with reference to a moral compass.  I truly wanted to write about this during December but I never got around to it.  I could give you a soppy story about how the last days at work were really busy and when I went on holiday my focus was on relaxing and that writing the post seemed less important.

The reality however is that I was not acting in alignment or as some might say attunement.  What does that mean?  Simple; moral compass refers to your core principles, values and beliefs.  From there they should lead to some formal or informal goal setting.  Finally goals should lead to behaviour which consists of thoughts actions and emotions.  If you therefore live in such a way that your goals reflect your moral compass and your behaviour reflects your goals you are living in alignment (some use the term alignment for the same kind of process in relation to systems and processes and attunement for the internal personal process).

Here lies my problem.  I resolved in my goal setting to write a post once a month and then did not do this at the end of 2010 - I was not acting out of alignment; I was in fact out of alignment.  This experience in combination with other experiences (such as observation about my relationship with colleagues and family) have been valuable as reflective information.  This information I could also only really process during vacation time because it was in fact one of my objectives for the festive season - perspective!

From here I had really good conversations with my parents and my wife over a period of two weeks which have empowered me in a surprising manner for 2011.  Although the adjustments are small habitual things it is about getting back into alignment and using my strength (discipline) to catalyse greater release in the rest of my life.

Are you ready for 2011?